Combined Transactions on Arbitrum and Optimism L2 Chains Outpace Ethereum’s Daily Transfer Count

Since The Merge, Etéreo’s onchain fees have been considerably lower. Sin embargo, combined transaction volume on layer two (L2) chains Arbitrum and Optimism has outpaced Ethereums onchain transaction output. En sábado, Jan. 14, 2023, Ethereum processed 1.10 million onchain transactions, while combined

Los desarrolladores de Zksync planean lanzar la capa 3 Solución de escalamiento llamada "Oportunidad" en el primer trimestre 2023

Laboratorios de Materia, el equipo detrás de la capa dos de Ethereum (L2) protocolo de escalado Zksync, reveló que los desarrolladores planean lanzar una capa tres (L3) prueba de concepto llamada “Oportunidad” en el primer trimestre de 2023. El equipo dice que el prototipo de…

‘Ultra Sound Money’ — Post-Merge Stats Show Ethereum’s Issuance Rate Plunged After PoS Transition

Months before Ethereum transitioned from proof-of-work (PoW) a prueba de participación (punto de venta), a simulation of The Merge had shown the networks issuance rate would drop following the ruleset change. Statistics now show that the simulations predictions have come to fruition as the network’s…

Vietnam Crypto Miners Complain About Losses From Ethereum’s Merge

Miners in Vietnam have expressed grievances over the loss of business following Ethereums transition to a consensus mechanism that does not require the energy-intensive computing they were providing. Many are in trouble, local media reported, quoting entrepreneurs and mining enthusiasts. criptomoneda…

Las tarifas de transferencia posteriores a la fusión de Ethereum siguen siendo bajas, Desde mediados de mayo, las tarifas de ETH son de alta prioridad 93% Más económico

Siguiendo a Ethereum’s transición de prueba de trabajo (PoW) a prueba de participación (punto de venta) en septiembre 15, la red blockchain’Las tarifas de transacción han sido mucho más bajas que diez días antes de The Merge.. Hace aproximadamente cuatro meses, en mayo 13, 2022, las transacciones de ether de alta prioridad podrían…

ETC, RVN, ERGO Hashrate Soars Following The Merge, Large Quantity of Hashpower Awaits ETHW Fork

Ethereum has officially transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) network to a proof-of-stake (punto de venta) system after seven years of operating as a PoW blockchain. The Merge has forced ethereum miners to transition to other PoW-based tokens and after the ruleset change was

30% of Today’s Staked Ethereum Is Tied to Lido’s Liquid Staking, 8 ETH 2.0 Pools Command $8.1 Billion in Value

In roughly three days Ethereum is expected to transition from a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain network to a proof-of-stake (punto de venta) version via The Merge. Ahead of the transition, the liquid staking project Lido has seen a lot more activity as the value

4 Crypto Tokens Reap Hashpower From The Merge, ETC Secures Most of the Hashrate Leaving ETH

20 hace días, a poll was shared on Twitter asking miners where they planned to dedicate their hashrate, after The Merge transitions Ethereum into a proof-of-stake (punto de venta) cadena de bloques. The proof-of-work (PoW) contenders at the time were tokens like ravencoin, ergo, flux,…

Ethereum Implements Bellatrix — Network’s Upcoming Paris Upgrade to Trigger The Merge, Validator Block Production

The blockchain network Ethereum has officially activated the Bellatrix upgrade, the final change before The Merge, the highly anticipated transition from proof-of-work (PoW) a prueba de participación (punto de venta). Bellatrix was successfully codified into the codebase at epoch 144,896 on the Beacon chain and

La solución de escalado L2 Arbitrum implementa la migración de la pila acumulada de Nitro

The layer two (L2) scaling solution Arbitrum revealed on Wednesday that the team has implemented the projects Nitro rollup stack migration. A principios de este mes, Arbitrum developers noted that the Nitro migration would reduce network fees and improve throughput. Arbitrum Developers Implement